

【分類號(hào)】 112507198605

【標(biāo)題】 中華人民共和國內(nèi)河交通安全管理?xiàng)l例(附英文)

【時(shí)效性】 有效

【頒布單位】 國務(wù)院

【頒布日期】 19861216

【實(shí)施日期】 19870101


【內(nèi)容分類】 交通


【名稱】 中華人民共和國內(nèi)河交通安全管理?xiàng)l例


【章名】 第一章 總 則

第一條 為加強(qiáng)內(nèi)河交通安全管理,保障船舶、排筏、設(shè)施以及人身和財(cái)產(chǎn)的安全,以利社會(huì)主義建設(shè)事業(yè)的發(fā)展,特制定本條例。

第二條 本條例適用于在中華人民共和國內(nèi)河通航水域航行、停泊、作業(yè)的一切船舶、排筏、設(shè)施和人員,以及船舶、排筏、設(shè)施的所有人和經(jīng)營(yíng)人(以下簡(jiǎn)稱所有人和經(jīng)營(yíng)人)。前款內(nèi)河通航水域,適用于國境河流中國管轄水域;但是,中國政府同其他國家政府簽有協(xié)議或者協(xié)定的,按照協(xié)議或者協(xié)定執(zhí)行。

第三條 各級(jí)交通管理部門設(shè)置的港航監(jiān)督機(jī)構(gòu)是對(duì)內(nèi)河交通安全實(shí)施統(tǒng)一監(jiān)督管理的主管機(jī)關(guān)。

【章名】 第二章 船舶、排筏、設(shè)施和人員

第四條 船舶必須具備下列條件,方準(zhǔn)航行:一、經(jīng)船舶檢驗(yàn)部門檢驗(yàn),持有合格的技術(shù)證書或者文件;二、經(jīng)登記持有船舶國籍證書或者船舶登記證書或者船舶執(zhí)照;三、按國家規(guī)定必須投保船舶險(xiǎn)的船舶,應(yīng)當(dāng)持有保險(xiǎn)文書或者證明文件;四、按國家規(guī)定配備持有合格職務(wù)證書的技術(shù)船員、駕長(zhǎng)、渡工和其他船員。

第五條 機(jī)動(dòng)船舶的船長(zhǎng)、輪機(jī)長(zhǎng)、駕駛員、輪機(jī)員、無線電報(bào)務(wù)員或者話務(wù)員,應(yīng)當(dāng)經(jīng)過考試,持有合格職務(wù)證書。非機(jī)動(dòng)船舶的駕長(zhǎng)、渡工,應(yīng)當(dāng)經(jīng)過考核,持有合格證件。其他船員應(yīng)當(dāng)經(jīng)過安全教育和專業(yè)訓(xùn)練。

第六條 竹木排筏應(yīng)當(dāng)配備必要的安全航行設(shè)備、救生設(shè)備和足以保障安全航行的排工。排工配備標(biāo)準(zhǔn)由林業(yè)主管部門規(guī)定。排關(guān)工應(yīng)當(dāng)經(jīng)過林業(yè)部門培訓(xùn),持有合格證件。游覽排筏駕駛?cè)藛T的管理,由主管機(jī)關(guān)會(huì)同有關(guān)部門規(guī)定。

第七條 設(shè)施應(yīng)當(dāng)按國家規(guī)定配備安全設(shè)備和人員。

第八條 船舶應(yīng)當(dāng)按國家規(guī)定,向主管機(jī)關(guān)繳納船舶港務(wù)費(fèi)。

【章名】 第三章 所有人和經(jīng)營(yíng)人

第九條 所有人和經(jīng)營(yíng)人必須遵守本條例和國家有關(guān)交通安全的規(guī)定。

第十條 所有人或者經(jīng)營(yíng)人必須對(duì)其所有的或者所經(jīng)營(yíng)的船舶、排筏、設(shè)施的安全負(fù)責(zé),并且應(yīng)當(dāng)做到下列各項(xiàng):一、加強(qiáng)對(duì)船舶、排筏、設(shè)施的安全技術(shù)管理,使之處于適航狀態(tài)或者保持良好技術(shù)狀況;二、配備的船員、排工或者人員必須符合國家有關(guān)規(guī)定,不得任用無合格職務(wù)證書或者合格證件的人員擔(dān)任船長(zhǎng)、輪機(jī)長(zhǎng)、駕駛員、輪機(jī)員、報(bào)務(wù)員、話務(wù)員、駕長(zhǎng)、渡工和排頭工;三、加強(qiáng)對(duì)船員、排工和其他人員的技術(shù)培訓(xùn)和安全教育,不得強(qiáng)令所屬人員違章操作;四、根據(jù)船舶的技術(shù)性能、船員條件、限定航區(qū)和水文氣象條件,合理調(diào)度船舶;五、接受主管機(jī)關(guān)的監(jiān)督檢查和管理。

【章名】 第四章 航行、停泊和作業(yè)

第十一條 船舶、排筏、設(shè)施在內(nèi)河航行、停泊和作業(yè),必須遵守中華人民共和國的法律、法規(guī)和港航規(guī)章。

第十二條 外國籍船舶進(jìn)出中華人民共和國對(duì)外國籍船舶開放的內(nèi)河港口,必須事先經(jīng)主管機(jī)關(guān)批準(zhǔn),并申請(qǐng)指派引航員引航。進(jìn)出港口和在內(nèi)河航行期間,必須接受主管機(jī)關(guān)的檢查和監(jiān)護(hù)。

第十三條 中國籍船舶進(jìn)出內(nèi)河港口,應(yīng)當(dāng)辦理船舶進(jìn)出港簽證或者接受檢查。

第十四條 船舶進(jìn)出港口和通過交通管制區(qū)、通航密 集區(qū)或者航行條件受到限制的區(qū)域,必須遵守中華人民共和國交通部或者主管機(jī)關(guān)公布的特別規(guī)定。

第十五條 除主管機(jī)關(guān)特別許可外,禁止船舶、排筏進(jìn)入或者穿越禁航區(qū)。

第十六條 船舶不得超載運(yùn)輸。嚴(yán)禁不具備載客條件的船舶私自搭客。

第十七條 船舶從事拖帶航行,應(yīng)當(dāng)遵守拖航的有關(guān)規(guī)定。

第十八條 船舶應(yīng)當(dāng)在核定的航區(qū)內(nèi)航行,所采用的航速應(yīng)當(dāng)足以保障自身的安全和不危及其它船舶、排筏、設(shè)施的安全。在限制航速的區(qū)域內(nèi)和在汛期高水位期間,應(yīng)當(dāng)按照規(guī)定的航速行駛。

第十九條 船舶和排筏停泊,不得妨礙其它船舶、排筏的正常航行和危及設(shè)施、堤防的安全。除無人駁船外,停泊船舶必須留有足以保證船舶安全的船員值班。

第二十條 在通航河流中人放或者拖運(yùn)竹木排,應(yīng)當(dāng)遵守人放或者拖運(yùn)竹木排的規(guī)定。規(guī)定由主管機(jī)關(guān)會(huì)同林業(yè)主管部門制定。

第二十一條 船舶、排筏、設(shè)施有下列情況之一者,主管機(jī)關(guān)有權(quán)禁止其離港,或者令其停航、停止作業(yè)、駛向指定地點(diǎn):一、違反中華人民共和國的有關(guān)法律、法規(guī)或者港航規(guī)章;二、不適航或者不適拖;三、發(fā)生交通事故后手續(xù)未清;四、未向主管機(jī)關(guān)或者有關(guān)部門交付應(yīng)承擔(dān)的費(fèi)用,也未提供適當(dāng)?shù)膿?dān)保;五、有妨礙交通安全的情況。

第二十二條 船舶、排筏、設(shè)施發(fā)生事故,對(duì)交通安全造成或者可能造成危害時(shí),主管機(jī)關(guān)有權(quán)采取強(qiáng)制性處置措施。

【章名】 第五章 危險(xiǎn)貨物管理

第二十三條 船舶、排筏、設(shè)施儲(chǔ)存、裝卸、運(yùn)輸危險(xiǎn)貨物,必須遵守國家有關(guān)危險(xiǎn)貨物管理和運(yùn)輸?shù)囊?guī)定。

第二十四條 船舶在港口裝卸危險(xiǎn)貨物或者載運(yùn)危險(xiǎn)貨物進(jìn)出港口,應(yīng)當(dāng)按國家有關(guān)規(guī)定事先報(bào)經(jīng)當(dāng)?shù)刂鞴軝C(jī)關(guān)核準(zhǔn)。

【章名】 第六章 渡口管理

第二十五條 城市渡口的設(shè)置或者遷移,由當(dāng)?shù)厝嗣裾付ǖ臋C(jī)關(guān)批準(zhǔn),其它渡口的設(shè)置或者遷移,由縣或者縣以上人民政府批準(zhǔn)。未經(jīng)批準(zhǔn),不得擅自設(shè)置或者遷移渡口,也不得渡客。

第二十六條 渡口管理部門應(yīng)當(dāng)加強(qiáng)對(duì)渡口的安全管理,主管機(jī)關(guān)應(yīng)當(dāng)加強(qiáng)對(duì)渡口安全管理的監(jiān)督和指導(dǎo)。

【章名】 第七章 安全保障

第二十七條 航道管理部門和助航標(biāo)志管理部門,應(yīng)當(dāng)加強(qiáng)對(duì)航道和助航標(biāo)志的管理和養(yǎng)護(hù),保持航道暢通和助航標(biāo)志明顯、有效。

第二十八條 助航標(biāo)志周圍不得建造影響其效能的物體。航道兩岸有礙航行安全的強(qiáng)燈光和與助航標(biāo)志相混淆的燈光,應(yīng)當(dāng)妥善遮蔽。

第二十九條 未經(jīng)主管機(jī)關(guān)或者航道管理部門批準(zhǔn),任何單位和個(gè)人不得擅自移動(dòng)助航標(biāo)志。如移動(dòng)或者損壞助航標(biāo)志,必須立即報(bào)告主管機(jī)關(guān)或者航道管理部門。

第三十條 使用港區(qū)岸線,應(yīng)當(dāng)事先附圖報(bào)港口管理部門批準(zhǔn)。在港區(qū)岸線構(gòu)筑設(shè)施,應(yīng)當(dāng)事先經(jīng)主管機(jī)關(guān)審核。

第三十一條 設(shè)置禁航區(qū)、進(jìn)行水上水下施工或者體育競(jìng)賽,以及其它有礙交通安全的活動(dòng),應(yīng)當(dāng)事先經(jīng)主管機(jī)關(guān)核準(zhǔn)并發(fā)布航行警告或者航行通告。設(shè)置軍事禁航區(qū),應(yīng)當(dāng)事先與主管機(jī)關(guān)商定,由主管機(jī)關(guān)發(fā)布航行警告或者航行通告。

第三十二條 交通管制區(qū)、錨地和停泊區(qū)的劃定與調(diào)整,必須征得當(dāng)?shù)厝嗣裾夂螅芍鞴軝C(jī)關(guān)報(bào)上級(jí)機(jī)關(guān)批準(zhǔn)。

第三十三條 在習(xí)慣航道內(nèi),禁止設(shè)置固定網(wǎng)具和攔河捕撈網(wǎng)具,不得種植水生物。擅自設(shè)置網(wǎng)具或者種植水生物的,主管機(jī)關(guān)應(yīng)當(dāng)責(zé)令所有人限期清除,或者強(qiáng)制清除。

第三十四條 禁止向航道傾倒砂石和廢棄物。

第三十五條 沉沒在通航水域的船舶、設(shè)施或者有礙航行安全的物體,其所有人或者經(jīng)營(yíng)人必須按規(guī)定設(shè)置標(biāo)志,并報(bào)告主管機(jī)關(guān)。

第三十六條 對(duì)影響航行安全和有潛在危險(xiǎn)的沉沒物、漂流物,其所有人或者經(jīng)營(yíng)人應(yīng)當(dāng)在主管機(jī)關(guān)限定的時(shí)間內(nèi)打撈清除。期不清除的,主管機(jī)關(guān)有權(quán)采取措施強(qiáng)制打撈清除,其全部費(fèi)用由沉沒物、漂流物的所有人或者經(jīng)營(yíng)人承擔(dān)。本條前款的規(guī)定不影響沉沒物、漂流物的所有人、經(jīng)營(yíng)人向第三方索賠的權(quán)利。

第三十七條 未經(jīng)主管機(jī)關(guān)批準(zhǔn),不得擅自打撈或者拆除通航水域內(nèi)的沉船、沉物。

第三十八條 設(shè)施的搬遷或者拆除,沉船、沉物的打撈或者清除,水上水下施工的善后處理,均不得留有妨礙航行、停泊和作業(yè)安全的物體。

第三十九條 船舶、排筏、設(shè)施和人員發(fā)現(xiàn)下列情況,應(yīng)當(dāng)迅速向主管機(jī)關(guān)報(bào)告:一、航道變遷;二、有礙航行安全的物體;三、航行標(biāo)志的損壞、失常、移位或者滅失;四、有礙航行安全的其它情況。

第四十條 內(nèi)河航行警告和航行通告,由主管機(jī)關(guān)統(tǒng)一發(fā)布和管理。

【章名】 第八章 救 助

第四十一條 船舶、排筏、設(shè)施遇險(xiǎn),應(yīng)當(dāng)采取一切有效措施組織自救,并迅速將發(fā)生事故的時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)、受損情況、救助要求、事故原因向就近主管機(jī)關(guān)及其所有人、經(jīng)營(yíng)人報(bào)告。

第四十二條 事故現(xiàn)場(chǎng)附近的船舶、排筏、設(shè)施或者人員,收到求救信號(hào)后,應(yīng)當(dāng)全力救助遇險(xiǎn)人員,并將救助情況及時(shí)報(bào)告就近主管機(jī)關(guān)。

第四十三條 船舶、排筏或設(shè)施發(fā)生碰撞事故,在不危及自身安全的情況下,應(yīng)當(dāng)全力救助,不得擅自離開事故現(xiàn)場(chǎng)。

第四十四條 主管機(jī)關(guān)接到求救報(bào)告后,必須立即組織救助,有關(guān)部門和事故現(xiàn)場(chǎng)附近的船舶、排筏、設(shè)施和人員,應(yīng)當(dāng)服從主管機(jī)關(guān)的統(tǒng)一指揮。

【章名】 第九章 交通事故的調(diào)查處理

第四十五條 船舶、排筏、設(shè)施發(fā)生交通事故,應(yīng)當(dāng)向主管機(jī)關(guān)提交事故報(bào)告書和有關(guān)資料,接受調(diào)查處理。竹木排筏的交通事故,由主管機(jī)關(guān)會(huì)同林業(yè)主管部門調(diào)查處理。

第四十六條 主管機(jī)關(guān)接到事故報(bào)告后,應(yīng)當(dāng)組織調(diào)查。事故當(dāng)事人和有關(guān)人員在接受主管機(jī)關(guān)調(diào)查時(shí),必須如實(shí)提供與事故有關(guān)的情況。

第四十七條 交通事故引起的民事糾紛,當(dāng)事人可以申請(qǐng)主管機(jī)關(guān)調(diào)解,不申請(qǐng)調(diào)解或者調(diào)解不成的,可以向人民法院起訴。涉外民事案件的當(dāng)事人,還可以書面協(xié)議提交涉外仲裁機(jī)構(gòu)仲裁。

【章名】 第十章 獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)與處罰

第四十八條 對(duì)交通安全作出顯著成績(jī),使人員免遭傷亡或者減少傷亡、財(cái)產(chǎn)免遭損失或者減少損失的單位或者個(gè)人,由主管機(jī)關(guān)或者本單位給予表彰或者獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)。

第四十九條 對(duì)違反本條例或者對(duì)交通事故負(fù)有責(zé)任者,主管機(jī)關(guān)可給予下列一種或者幾種處罰:一、警告;二、扣留或者吊銷證書、證件;三、罰款。

第五十條 當(dāng)事人對(duì)主管機(jī)關(guān)的處罰不服時(shí),可以在接到處罰通知之日起十五日內(nèi)向人民法院起訴;期滿不起訴又不履行的,由主管機(jī)關(guān)申請(qǐng)人民法院強(qiáng)制執(zhí)行。

第五十一條 違反本條例應(yīng)當(dāng)受治安管理處罰的,由公安機(jī)關(guān)處理;構(gòu)成刑事犯罪的,由司法機(jī)關(guān)依法追究刑事責(zé)任。

【章名】 第十一章 附 則

第五十二條 本條例下列用語的含義是:“內(nèi)河通航水域”是指中華人民共和國境內(nèi)的江、河、湖泊、水庫、運(yùn)河內(nèi)船舶可以航行的水域及其港口。“船舶”是指各類排水或者非排水的船艇和移動(dòng)式平臺(tái)。“設(shè)施”是指水上、水下各種浮動(dòng)或者固定的建筑、裝置、管道、電纜和固定平臺(tái)。“作業(yè)”是指在通航水域及其岸線進(jìn)行裝卸、勘探、開采、測(cè)量、建筑、疏浚、爆破、打撈、救助、捕撈、養(yǎng)殖、潛水以及科學(xué)實(shí)驗(yàn)和其他水上、水下施工。“交通事故”是指船舶、排筏、設(shè)施的碰撞、擱淺、觸礁、觸損、浪損、風(fēng)災(zāi)、火災(zāi)及其它事故。

第五十三條 外國籍船舶進(jìn)出內(nèi)河,除遵守本條例外,還應(yīng)當(dāng)遵守中華人民共和國對(duì)外國籍船舶管理的有關(guān)規(guī)定。

第五十四條 軍事管轄區(qū)及軍用船舶和公安船舶的內(nèi)部管理,由國家有關(guān)部門依據(jù)本條例另行規(guī)定。

第五十五條 漁業(yè)船舶的登記、檢驗(yàn),漁業(yè)船舶船員的考試、發(fā)證,漁業(yè)船舶之間交通事故的調(diào)查處理等內(nèi)部管理,由國家漁政漁港監(jiān)督管理部門會(huì)同主管機(jī)關(guān)依據(jù)本條例另行規(guī)定。

第五十六條 城市風(fēng)景園林水域和經(jīng)省、自治區(qū)、直轄市人民政府批準(zhǔn)的廠礦企業(yè)專用水域的交通安全管理,由其所屬主管部門或者廠礦企業(yè)依據(jù)本條例另行規(guī)定。

第五十七條 本條例由交通部負(fù)責(zé)解釋,施行細(xì)則由交通部制定。

第五十八條 本條例自一九八七年一月一日起施行。



【章名】 Important Notice: (注意事項(xiàng))


英文本源自中華人民共和國務(wù)院法制局編譯, 中國法制出版社出版的《中華人民


當(dāng)發(fā)生歧意時(shí), 應(yīng)以法律法規(guī)頒布單位發(fā)布的中文原文為準(zhǔn).

This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE


which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State

Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China

Legal System Publishing House.

In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

【章名】 Whole Document (法規(guī)全文)




(Promulgated by the State Council on December 16, 1986)

【章名】 Chapter I General Provisions


Article 1

These Regulations are formulated to improve the administration of traffic

safety on inland waters, ensure the safety of vessels, rafts,

installations, human lives and property and thus facilitate the

development of socialist construction.

Article 2

These Regulations shall apply to all vessels, rafts, installations and

personnel, and to the owners and operators of vessels, rafts and

installations (hereafter shortened to "owners" and "operators") that

navigate, berth, or operate on the inland navigable waters of the People's

Republic of China.

The inland navigable waters mentioned in the previous paragraph shall also

cover the waters under Chinese jurisdiction in border rivers. However, if

agreements have been concluded between the Chinese government and the

governments of other countries, the agreements shall prevail.

Article 3

The harbour superintendencies set up by the communications departments at

various levels shall be the competent authorities responsible for

exercising the unified supervision and control of traffic safety on inland


【章名】 Chapter II Vessels, Rafts, Installations and Personnel


Article 4

Vessels must meet the following requirements before they are allowed to


(1) holding technical certificates or documents verified as qualified by

the vessel inspection departments after the inspection whereon;

(2) holding vessel nationality certificates, or vessel registration

certificates or vessel licences;

(3) holding insurance policies or insurance certificates as is required of

vessels which must take out vessel insurance according to the relevant

stipulations of the State;

(4) being manned with, according to the relevant State stipulations, crew

members in charge of technical work, chief crewmen, ferrymen and other

crew members who are holding valid certificates of job qualification.

Article 5

The captains, chief engineers, pilots, engineers and radio and telephone

operators of power-driven vessels shall pass examinations and hold valid

certificates of job qualification.

The chief crewmen and ferrymen of non-motorized vessels shall pass

examinations and hold qualification documents.

All other crew members must go through safety instructions and specialized

technical training.

Article 6

Bamboo and wooden rafts shall be fitted out with necessary equipment for

safe navigation, lifesaving appliance and rafters qualified for safe

navigation. The fixed number of rafters to be provided shall be stipulated

by the competent department in charge of forestry. Chief rafters shall

have received special training by the department in charge of forestry and

hold qualification documents.

The administration of rafters for tourist rafts shall be stipulated by the

competent authorities in conjunction with relevant departments.

Article 7

Installations shall be fitted out with safety equipment and personnel

according to stipulations of the State.

Article 8

Vessels shall, in accordance with stipulations of the State, pay harbour

dues to the competent authorities.

【章名】 Chapter III Owners and Operators


Article 9

Owners and operators must abide by these Regulations and the stipulations

of the State concerning traffic safety.

Article 10

Owners and operators must be responsible for the safety of the vessels,

rafts and installations they own or operate and shall perform the

following obligations:

(1) administration of vessels, rafts and installations shall be

strengthened in terms of safety and technology to keep them in good shape

for navigation or good technical conditions;

(2) the relevant State stipulations must be accorded with in employing

crew members, rafters or other personnel. It is forbidden to employ

captains, chief engineers, pilots, engineers, radio operators, telephone

operators, chief crewmen, ferrymen and rafters who do not hold valid

certificates of job qualification or qualification documents;

(3) technical training and safety instructions shall be strengthened for

crew members, rafters and other personnel; the employees may not be forced

to operate against regulations;

(4) vessels shall be properly dispatched according to the technical

functions of vessels, the qualifications of crew members, the conditions

of the assigned navigation areas and also the hydrological and

meteorological conditions;

(5) they shall be subject to the supervision, examination and

administration of the competent organs.

【章名】 Chapter IV Navigation, Berthing and Operations


Article 11

In navigation, berthing and operations, vessels, rafts and installations

must abide by the relevant laws, regulations and other rules and

regulations concerning harbour navigation of the People's Republic of


Article 12

Vessels of foreign nationality entering and leaving the inland harbours of

the People's Republic of China that are open to foreign vessels must

obtain the approval of the competent authorities and apply to be navigated

by a Chinese pilot in advance. While they are entering and leaving the

harbours or navigating in inland rivers, foreign vessels must be subject

to the examination and supervision of the competent authorities.

Article 13

Vessels of Chinese nationality entering and leaving inland harbours shall

get port entry and departure visas or accept inspection.

Article 14

When entering or leaving the harbours or passing through traffic control

areas, crowded navigable areas and regions with limited navigational

capacities, vessels must observe the special provisions promulgated by the

Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China or the

competent authorities.

Article 15

Except as specially permitted by the competent authorities, vessels and

rafts are prohibited from entering or cutting across restricted navigation


Article 16

Vessels shall not engage in transportation with overload. Vessels not

equipped for carrying passengers are prohibited from taking on passengers

without permission.

Article 17

Vessels engaged in towing navigation shall observe the relevant


Article 18

Vessels shall navigate in the approved navigation areas at a speed which

is fast enough to ensure their own safety but not so fast as to endanger

the safety of other vessels, rafts and installations. Vessels shall

navigate at the prescribed speed in the areas where speed is restricted

and during periods of high water levels in flood seasons.

Article 19

The berthing of vessels and rafts shall not obstruct other vessels and

rafts from navigating normally or endanger the safety of installations and

dykes. Except for unmanned tug boats, there must be adequate number of

crew members on duty on board the vessels lying at anchor to ensure the

vessels' safety.


Article 20

Manned or towed bamboo and wooden rafts in navigable rivers shall observe

the relevant stipulations formulated by the competent authorities in

conjunction with the competent department in charge of forestry.

Article 21

The competent authorities shall have the right to forbid a vessel, raft or

installation from leaving the harbour, or order it to stop navigation,

cease operations or sail to the designated spot, under any one of the

following circumstances:

(1) it has violated relevant laws, regulations or other rules and

regulations of the People's Republic of China;

(2) it is in a condition not suitable for navigation or towing;

(3) it is involved in a traffic accident and the formalities have not been


(4) it has not paid the fees that are due, nor has it submitted a suitable

guarantee therefor, to the competent authorities or relevant department;


(5) it will in any way jeopardize traffic safety.

Article 22

When vessels, rafts and installations are involved in accidents that

jeopardize or may jeopardize traffic safety, the competent authorities has

the right to handle the matter by adopting compulsory measures.

【章名】 Chapter V Control of Dangerous Goods


Article 23

When vessels, rafts and installations store, load, unload and transport

dangerous goods, they must abide by the provisions of the State concerning

the control of dangerous goods and their transport.

Article 24

When vessels load and unload dangerous goods at harbours or carry them

into or out of harbours, they shall report to the local competent

authorities for approval in advance according to the relevant provisions

of the State.

【章名】 Chapter VI Administration of Ferries


Article 25

The setting-up or removal of urban ferries shall be approved by the organs

designated by local people's governments. The setting-up or removal of

other ferries shall be approved by the people's governments at the county

level or above. It is forbidden to set up or remove ferries or ferry

passengers before the approval is obtained.

Article 26

Departments of ferry administration shall strengthen safety control of

ferries. The competent authorities shall strengthen supervision and

direction for this purpose.

【章名】 Chapter VII Guarantee for Safety


Article 27

Administrative departments for navigation channels and navigational aids

shall strengthen administration and maintenance of navigational channels

and navigational aids, keep channels unblocked and navigational aids

distinct and effective.

Article 28

No objects adversely affecting the efficacy of navigational aids may be

erected around them. Strong lights that hinder navigational safety or any

lights that may mix up with navigational aids on both sides of

navigational lanes, shall be properly screened.

Article 29

Without the approval of the competent authorities or administrative

departments for navigation lanes, no units or individuals may remove

navigational aids. If navigational aids have been removed or damaged, it

must be immediately reported to the competent authorities or

administrative departments for navigational lanes.

Article 30

Applications annexed by illustrations shall be made to the harbour

superintendencies for approval before the coastlines of the harbour areas

may be used. Without the examination and approval of the competent

authorities, no installations may be constructed on the coastlines of the

harbour areas.

Article 31

Approval shall be sought from the competent authorities and navigational

warnings or notices be issued before restricted navigation-zones may be

set up and surface or underwater construction, sports competitions and

other activities affecting traffic safety may be carried out.

Before a restricted military navigation zone is designated, agreement

shall be reached through consultation with the competent authorities,

which shall then issue navigational warnings or notices.

Article 32

The designation and adjustment of traffic control zones, anchorages and

berthing areas must be submitted, with the consent of the local people's

governments, by the competent authorities, to organs at higher levels for


Article 33

It is forbidden to set up fixed fishing nets and fishing nets cutting

across rivers or to grow water plants in habitual navigational lanes. The

competent authorities shall order the owners of these unauthorized fishing

nets and water plants to eliminate them or have them eliminated by



Article 34

It is forbidden to dump gravel and trash into navigational lanes.

Article 35

If vessels, installations or objects which obstruct safe navigation sink

in navigable waters, the owners or operators must set up marks according

to the relevant provisions and report to the competent authorities.

Article 36

Sunken and drifting objects that may affect the safety of navigation and

constitute potential threats shall be gotten away with by the owners or

operators before a deadline set by the competent authorities. If these

objects are not duly cleared away, the competent authorities shall have

the right to take coercive measures to that end, and all the costs thereof

shall be borne by the owners or operators of the sunken or drifting

objects. The provisions of the previous paragraph of this Article shall

not affect the rights of owners and operators of sunken or drifting

objects to demand compensation from third parties.

Article 37

Without the approval of the competent authorities, sunken ships and

objects in the navigable waters may not be salvaged or dismantled.

Article 38

After installations are moved or scrapped, sunken ships and objects

salvaged or cleared away, and the rounding-off work of the surface or

underwater construction handled, no objects may be left to hinder the

safety of navigation, berthing and operations.

Article 39

Vessels, rafts, installations and personnel shall promptly report to the

competent authorities if they discover any of the following situations:

(1) if navigational lanes change;

(2) if there are objects hindering safe navigation;

(3) if navigational aids are damaged or abnormal, moved or lost;

(4) if there is any other situation hindering safe navigation.

Article 40

The competent authorities shall be responsible for uniformly issuing and

administering inland water navigational warnings and navigational notices.

【章名】 Chapter VIII Assistance and Rescue


Article 41

Vessels, rafts and installations that are in distress shall adopt all

effective measures to organize self-help and promptly report to the

nearest competent authorities as well as their owners or operators the

time and scene of the accident, the extent of damage, the assistance

required and the cause of the accident.

Article 42

Vessels, rafts, installations or personnel in the vicinity of the scene of

an accident that have received distress signals, shall do their best to

rescue the personnel and report promptly to the nearest competent

authorities the situation at the scene.

Article 43

The vessels, rafts and installations involved in a collision shall, under

circumstances where there is no danger to their own safety, do their best

to offer assistance and may not leave the scene of the accident without


Article 44

Upon receipt of a report calling for rescue, the competent authorities

must immediately organize a rescue operation. Departments concerned and

vessels, rafts, installations and personnel in the vicinity of the scene

of the accident shall follow the unified directions of the competent


【章名】 Chapter IX Investigation and Handling of Traffic Accidents


Article 45

Vessels, rafts and installations involved in traffic accidents shall

present accident reports and related materials to the competent

authorities and subject themselves to investigations and handling of the


Traffic accidents involving bamboo and wooden rafts shall be investigated

and handled by the competent authorities in conjunction with the

departments in charge of forestry.

Article 46

The competent authorities shall, upon receipt of accident reports,

organize investigations. The parties involved in the accidents and persons

concerned must, during investigation by the competent authorities, provide

truthful information relating to the accidents.

Article 47

If a traffic accident gives rise to a civil dispute, the parties involved

may apply to the competent authorities for conciliation. If the parties do

not apply for conciliation or conciliation is not successful, they may

bring a suit before the people's court. Parties to a case involving

foreign interests may also, based on a written agreement, submit the case

to an arbitration institution concerning foreign related matters for


【章名】 Chapter X Awards and Penalties


Article 48

Those units or individuals that have done remarkably in ensuring traffic

safety by preventing or reducing personnel casualties and by preventing or

reducing property losses shall be commended or awarded by the competent

authorities or by their units.

Article 49

With respect to the persons who have violated the provisions of these

Regulations or who are held liable for traffic accidents, the competent

authorities may impose one or a number of the following penalties:

(1) a warning;

(2) withholding or revoking the licences or certificates;

(3) a fine.

Article 50

If a party does not accept the penalty (penalties) imposed by the

competent authorities, he may within 15 days from the date of receiving

the notice of the penalty (penalties), bring a suit before the people's

court; failure to bring a suit or comply with the penalty (penalties)

within this period shall lead to petition by the competent authorities to

the people's court for compulsory enforcement.

Article 51

Those punishable according to the relevant provisions concerning public

security administration for violations of these Regulations shall be dealt

with by public security organs; as for those criminally liable, the

judicial organs shall in accordance with the law pursue their criminal


【章名】 Chapter XI Supplementary Provisions


Article 52

The following terms as used in these Regulations are defined as follows:

"Inland navigable waters" refers to the navigable waters in the rivers,

lakes, reservoirs and canals as well as harbours within the People's

Republic of China. "Vessels" refers to all types of displacement or non-

displacement ships, boats and mobile platforms.

"Installations" refers to all types of structures, installations,

pipelines and electric cables, on the surface or underwater, fixed or

floating, and fixed platforms as well. "Operations" refers to loading and

unloading, exploration, exploitation, survey, construction, dredging,

demolition, salvage, rescue, fishing, aquatic breeding, diving, scientific

experimentation and other surface or underwater construction carried out

in navigable waters and their shorelines.

"Traffic accidents" refers to collision, running aground, running on

rocks, damage through contact, damage by waves, windstorm, fire and other

accidents happening to vessels, rafts and installations.

Article 53

Vessels of foreign nationality entering and leaving the inland rivers

shall observe, in addition to these Regulations, the relevant provisions

of the People's Republic of China concerning administration of vessels of

foreign nationality.

Article 54

The internal administration of zones under military control and military

vessels as well as public security vessels shall be separately prescribed

by the relevant departments of the State according to these Regulations.

Article 55

The internal administration such as registration and inspection of fishing

vessels, examination and issuing of certificates for crew members of

fishing vessels and investigation and handling of traffic accidents among

fishing vessels shall be separately prescribed according to these

Regulations by the State fisheries administration and fishing ports

superintendency departments in conjunction with the competent authorities.

Article 56

The traffic safety control of the waters at urban scenic spots and gardens

and of the waters exclusively used by factories, mines and other

enterprises as approved by the people's governments of the provinces,

autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central

Government shall be separately prescribed according to these Regulations

by the competent departments or the factories, mines and enterprises



Article 57

These Regulations shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Communications,

which shall also formulate the rules for the implementation.

Article 58

These Regulations shall become effective as of January 1, 1987.