


《柯克火災(zāi)調(diào)查(Kirk’s Fire Investigation)》是美國最早的火災(zāi)調(diào)查專業(yè)書籍,第1版于1969年出版,原名為《火災(zāi)調(diào)查(Fire Investigation)》,由加利福尼大學(xué)伯克利分校Dr.Paul L.Kirk教授編寫,旨在推動用科學(xué)原理解決火災(zāi)和爆炸調(diào)查中遇到的問題,同時他為全世界培養(yǎng)了一大批的調(diào)查專家。但1970年Kirk教授不幸去世,為了紀念他對于火災(zāi)調(diào)查做出的突出貢獻,緬懷他科學(xué)嚴謹?shù)幕馂?zāi)調(diào)查精神,將之后版本的《Fire Investigation》更名為《Kirk’s Fire Investigation》,此書已成為世界范圍內(nèi)最具影響力的火災(zāi)調(diào)查專業(yè)書籍?!禟irk’s Fire Investigation》也是最早引入我國的火災(zāi)調(diào)查外文專業(yè)書籍,由武警學(xué)院(現(xiàn)中國人民警察大學(xué))陳愛平、徐曉楠、劉義祥、楊迎、華菲等多位專家老師進行了第五版的翻譯,此書的引入讓我們更深入地了解了美國火災(zāi)調(diào)查技術(shù)和發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀。隨著科學(xué)技術(shù)的發(fā)展,美國調(diào)查方法的改進,《Kirk’s Fire Investigation》的內(nèi)容已經(jīng)有了較大的更新替換,現(xiàn)已更新至第8版,于2018年出版發(fā)行。課題組在閱讀最新版的《Kirk’s Fire Investigation》時,發(fā)現(xiàn)7.1.5 Tracing the course of the fire(追溯火災(zāi)的發(fā)展過程)一節(jié)講述鞭辟入里、易學(xué)易用,于是專門拿出來先行翻譯,與各位專家同仁共享,如有不足之處請批評指正!

圖1 最新版《Kirk’s Fire Investigation》封面

圖2 最新版《Kirk’s Fire Investigation》作者簡介




7.1.5 Tracing the Course of the Fire
7.1.5 追溯火災(zāi)的發(fā)展過程
Fire scenes are nearly always cold and badly burned. Thus, the investigator must reconstruct the sequence of the fire backward from what is visible afterward to its point of origin. With few exceptions, fires, however large, start with a small flame, such as a match, candle, or lighter, or a spark of some type. The investigator must determine the point and source of ignition in order to determine the cause of the fire. The primary exceptions are fires where the first fuel ignited is a flammable gas or vapor. The following are key principles of fire behavior:
1.Hot gases (including flames) are much lighter than the surrounding air and therefore rise. In the absence of strong winds or physical barriers like ceilings that force hot gases to travel elsewhere, smoke and hot gases will always move upward.
2.Due to heat transfer processes in the buoyant flame plume, fire will move upward more rapidly than horizontally or downward with some downward progression as a result of radiant heat and fall-down.

3.Combustible materials in the path of the flames will be ignited, thereby increasing the extent and intensity of the fire. The more intense (higher heat release rate) the fire, the faster it will rise and spread.
4.If there is not more fuel above or beside the initial flame to be ignited by convected or radiated heat, or if the initial fire is too small to create the necessary heat flux on those fuels, the fire will be self-limiting and often will burn itself out. A flame plume that is large enough to reach the ceiling of a compartment is likely to trigger full involvement of a room, for it is charging the upper gas layer in the room with gases that have not cooled by mixing or radiative losses as much as gases in a shorter plume. As a result, the hot gas layer maintains a higher temperature and is more likely to reach its critical temperature (~600°C or 1,150°F in a typical room), which then induces flashover or full-room involvement.

5.The fuel load of the room or structure has a significant impact on the development of a fire. The fuel load includes not only the structure itself but also the furnishings and contents, and the wall, floor, and ceiling coverings that feed a fire and offer it paths and directions with optimum fuel conditions. In evaluating a fire’s progress through a room or structure, the investigator must establish what fuels were present and where they were located. The chemical nature of the fuels and their physical forms will affect their ignitability and their expected heat release rate. In the reconstruction of a fire, the fuel load is not just the total number of joules or Btu’s of heat that can be generated but the rate at which that heat is released.


6.Variations on the upward spread of fire or smoke will occur when air currents deflect the flame, when horizontal surfaces block the vertical travel, or when radiation from established flames ignites nearby surfaces. If fuel is present in these new areas, it will ignite and spread the flames laterally.


7.Upward, vertical spread is enhanced when the fire finds chimneylike configurations. Stairways, elevators, utility shafts, air ducts, and interiors of walls and hollow support columns offer openings for carrying flames generated elsewhere, and fires may burn more intensely because of the enhanced draft.


8.Downward spread will occur whenever there is suitable fuel in the area. Fire will burn downward across a solid fuel but at a rate that is a tiny fraction of its upward spread rate. Combustible wall coverings, particularly paneling, encourage the travel of fire downward as well as outward. Burning portions of ceiling and roof coverings, draperies, and lighting fixtures can fall onto ignitable fuels below and start new fires called fall-down or drop-down fires that quickly join the main fire overhead. Radiation from rollover fires or very hot gas layers can ignite floor coverings, furniture, and walls even at some distance, creating new areas of fire. The resulting fire patterns can be complex to interpret, and, once again, the investigator must remember to take into account what fuel packages were present from the standpoint of their potential heat release rate contributions.


9.Suppression efforts can enhance fire spread. Positive-pressure ventilation (PPV) or an active hose stream attack on one face of a fire may force it back into other areas that may or may not have already been involved, and push fire down, even under obstructions such as doors or cabinets. The investigator must remember those unusual conditions and check with the firefighters present.


10.Fire tends to flow through a room or structure much like a liquid—upward in relatively straight paths and outward and around barriers.


11.Ventilation from open doors, windows, or vents, or forced by heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems or PPV fans can affect fire growth and movement as much as fuel arrangement. All ventilation must be documented.


12.The hot gas layer in a room can reach its critical intensity (producing a heat flux of >20 kW/m2) if the fire is large enough to overcome the leaks of hot gases due to openings or due to radiant and conductive losses. As seen in the 1985 Bradford (UK) football stadium fire, even a compartment that is open on three sides can develop flashover conditions when the fire gets big enough.


13.Fire intensity in a post-flashover room is often greatest around ventilation sources. Thus, damage occurs more quickly around door sills, windows, or other openings where fresh air can be drawn into the room and can even reach walls opposite the opening.


14.The total firedamage to an object is the result of both the intensity of heat applied to thatobject and the duration of the exposure (with the realization that intensity ofheat varies considerably during a fire and that all the exposure may not have occurredat the same time).
