


Winter can strike suddenly and severely.  In extremely bad weather the best advice is to stay off the road. If you must drive, make sure you are prepared for the conditions.

In winter it is even more important to check your vehicle is well maintained and serviced:


Keep your lights clean and the battery fully charged 

·  Add anti-freeze to the radiator and additive to the windscreen washer bottles.

·  Tyre grip is even more important in wintry weather so check tread depth and pressure.




Adjust your driving conditions

Hail,heavy snow and rain reduce visibility:

·  Use dipped headlights and reduce speed.

When roads are icy or slushy

·  Drive slowly, allowing extra room to slowdown and stop – it  can take ten times longer to stop in icy conditions than on a dry road.

. ·Use the highest gear possible to avoid wheel spin.

·  Manoeuvre gently, avoid harsh braking and acceleration.

·  To brake on ice and snow without locking your wheels, get into a low    

    gear earlier than normal, allow your speed to fall and use the brake

    pedal gently.

·  If you skid – ease off the accelerator but do not brake suddenly.






Watch out for fog – it drifts rapidly and is often patchy

·  Drive very slowly using dipped headlights.

·  Use fog lights if visibility is seriously reduced, but remember to switch them off when visibility improves.  Rear fog lights should be switched off if there is a vehicle close behind.

·  Don’t hang on to the tail lights of the vehicle in front – this gives you a false sense of security and means you may be driving too close.

·  Don’t speed up suddenly – even if it seems to be clearing you can suddenly find yourself back in thick fog.

Winter Sun

·  Dazzle from winter sun can be dangerous – if it’s too low for the visor it might be worth keeping a pair of sunglasseshandy.











New research shows that one in five motorway accidents - and one in ten other road accidents in the UK may be caused by drivers nodding off at the wheel.

Sleep debt, ignored sleep disorders, irregular eating, low blood sugar, eating the wrong foods at the wrong time and dehydration can all contribute to fatigue. 

Our bodies work in 24 – 25 hour cycles of sleeping, eating and being active and the worst time of the day is between midnight and 6 am.  

You are also naturally drowsy after lunch.  This has nothing to do with what you eat but it may be made worse by eating fatty sugary foods.




Sleep Debt

 It is worth noting that sleep during the day is not as effective as sleep

during the night.  You need more daytime sleept o have the same effect as a good night’s sleep. 

Sleep debt is like money debt -  you can’t ignore it.  More than 90% of people really need 8.5 –11.5 hours sleep per night.  If you miss this you need to make it up quickly. 

The good news is you don’t have to make i tall up.  If you miss 2 hours per day for 10 days you don’t need to sleep for 20 hours to make it up – a couple of early nights will fix it. 

If you want to work out when you will be most drowsy, take the mid-point

between when you went to sleep and when you woke up then add 12 hours.  You will then know when to expect a real dipin alertness. 

Be ready for it,especially if you’re planning a trip.



第二,90%以上的人夜間睡眠時(shí)間大概在8,5~11.5h, 如果不足,應(yīng)盡快找回來(lái)。 好消息是不必少睡幾個(gè)小時(shí)就不幾個(gè)小時(shí)。比如在10天里每天少睡2小時(shí)覺(jué),不是要你多睡20小時(shí),而是通過(guò)調(diào)整作息時(shí)間,每天早休息下就可以。


So How can you beat fatigue?

The only ways to beat fatigue are:

·  catch up on your sleep debt – get a few early nights.

·  improve your diet habits so your blood sugar stays more constant.

·  Get into regular sleep and wake patterns.

·  Understand your own personal rhythm and work with it.



  • 如果欠覺(jué)了,記得早休息。

  • 飲食規(guī)律

  • 效仿天地,養(yǎng)成好的作息習(xí)慣。

  • 對(duì)自己作息規(guī)律要熟悉,并堅(jiān)持維持它。