



我也看到,經(jīng)常朋友們也在問(wèn),什么是急救工傷first aid? 什么是可記錄工傷事故Recordable Injury?什么是醫(yī)療工傷Medically Treatment Injury?什么是損時(shí)工傷 Lost time injury/Lost wrok day case?什么是未遂事故Near Misses?什么是可記錄工傷事故率TRIR?要搞清楚這些概念,我們還是先看看美國(guó)獲獎(jiǎng)安全視頻如何講述事故的漸進(jìn)過(guò)程的。








Lost work days case or Lost Time Injury: These arerecordable injuries that result in the injured person being taken off work bythe medical provider. You do not count the day in which the injury or illnessoccurred. It does not matter if the employee is scheduled or not, we countcalendar days.


Restricted Work Injury:  Restricted work activity occurs when,as the result of a work-related injury or illness, an employer or health careprofessional keeps, or recommends keeping, an employee from doing the routine functionsof his or her job or from working the full workday that the employee would havebeen scheduled to work before the injury or illness

These are injuries that are recordableinjuries that result in the injured person being returned to work by themedical provider but with restrictions that prohibit him/her from doing theirnormal job duties but can do modified or transitional work.


醫(yī)療工傷/其他可記錄工傷: 這種是最不嚴(yán)重的可記錄工傷。這類傷害是除了急救之外,不會(huì)導(dǎo)致限制工作日或缺勤的治療。舉個(gè)例子,一個(gè)員工的手指在醫(yī)院縫了3針,然后被告知沒(méi)有限制條件地重返工作崗位。例如,

Other Recordable :Theseare the least severe recordable injuries. This category are for treatmentbeyond first aid recordable injuries that do not result in restricted work daysor lost work days. An example would be an employee that was given 3 stitches inthe finger and then told to return to work with no restrictions.



















Non Recordable Injury Incidents

First Aid:If theincident required only the following types of treatment, consider it first aid.

·   Using non-prescriptionmedications at non-prescription strength;

·   Administering tetanusimmunizations

·   Cleaning, flushing, or soakingwounds on the skin surface;

·    Using wound coverings, such asbandages, BandAids?, gauze pads, etc., or using SteriStrips? or butterflybandages;

·  Using hot or cold therapy;

·  Using any totally non-rigidmeans of support, such as elastic bandages, wraps, non-rigid back belts, etc;

·  Using temporary immobilizationdevices while transporting anaccident victim (splints, slings, neck collars, orback boards);

·  Drilling a fingernail or toenailto relieve pressure, or draining fluids from blisters;

·  Using eye patches;

·  Using simple irrigation or acotton swab to remove foreign bodies not embedded in or adhered

·  Using irrigation, tweezers,cotton swab or other simple means to remove splinters or foreign material from areas otherthan the eye;

·  Using finger guards;

·  Using massages

·  Drinking fluids to relieve heatstress.



Report Only No Treatment: Use this classificationif an injury incident occurs that did not require any treatment, or treatmentis declined by the IP, and is reported only. These incidents may be capturedfor various reasons such as for improvement purposes, or in case the injuryworsens and a record of the initial incident is required



Near Misses:

A near miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury,illness, or damage – but had the potential to do so. Only a fortunate break inthe chain of events prevented an injury, fatality or damage; in other words, amiss that was nonetheless very near. The phrase 'near miss' shouldnot to be confused with the phrases 'nearly a miss' or 'theynearly missed' which would imply a collision. Synonymous phrases to'near miss' are 'close call', or 'nearly acollision'.







Anincidence rate is the number of recordable injuries and illnesses occurringamong a given number offull-time workers (usually 100 fulltime workers) over a given period of time (usuallyone year). To evaluate your firm’s injury and illness experience over time orto compare your firm’sexperience with that of your industry as a whole, you need to compute yourincidence rate. Because a specific number of workers and a specific period oftime are involved, these rates can help you identify problems in your workplaceand/or progress you may have made in preventing work-related injuries andillnesses. How do you calculate an incidence。

200,000 =base for 100 full-time equivalent workers (working 40 hours per week, 50 weeksper year).
