

中國投資者投資印度,第一個需要看的文件就是印度的《外匯管理法》(FEMA法案)和《統(tǒng)合外商直接投資政策(ConsolidatedFDI Policy)》這兩個文件。這兩個文件解決了中國資本印度某行業(yè)“可不可以投”、“怎么投”和“利潤如何匯回”的問題。

上一次印度發(fā)布《統(tǒng)合外商直接投資政策(Consolidated FDI Policy)》還是在2017年,時隔近三年,在新冠疫情影響下,印度全國“封國”,但政府卻于2020年4月17號出臺了對《統(tǒng)合外商直接投資政策》進行修訂的新聞通告,這一次修訂將直接影響所有的中國投資,印度大恒竺成(Linklegal)律師事務所將為您進行解讀。


3.1.1(a)A non-resident entity can invest in India, subject to the FDI Policy except inthose sectors/activities which are prohibited. However, an entity of a country,which shares land border with India or where the beneficial owner of aninvestment into India is situated in or is a citizen of any such country, caninvest only under the Government route. Further, a citizen of Pakistan or anentity incorporated in Pakistan can invest, only under the Government route, insectors/activities other than defence, space, atomic energy andsectors/activities prohibited for foreign investment.


3.1.1(b)In the event of the transfer of ownership of any existing or future FDI in anentity in India, directly or indirectly, resulting in the beneficial ownershipfalling within the restriction/purview of the para 3.1.1(a), such subsequentchange in beneficial ownership will also require Government approval.





但是,請中國讀者一定要注意到此次修正的主題“Review of Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) policy for curbing opportunistic takeovers/acquisitions of Indiancompanies due to the current COVID-19 pandemic”,即受疫情的影響,限制外國對印度公司的投機性收購。



按照印度的行政立法慣例,此次對《統(tǒng)合外商直接投資政策(Consolidated FDI Policy)》進行修訂的新聞通告在出臺后,政府會進一步作出澄清和解釋,以使得其更具有操作性。


此外,之前2017年的政策中3.1.5和3.1.7(分別對外國機構(gòu)投資者(FII)、外國證券投資者(FPI)和外國風險資本投資者(FVCI)進行了規(guī)定)是否也會受到此次修正的影響,我們也需要等待政府作出進一步的澄清和釋義。本次修改需要得到印度央行以《外匯管理法》通知 (FEMA Notification)的形式通過后,才能生效。截止發(fā)稿日,印度央行還沒有發(fā)布相關通知,因此本次修改尚未正式生效。

同時附上2017年《統(tǒng)合外商直接投資政策(Consolidated FDIPolicy)》中的原文(附中文翻譯供大家參考):

3.1 eligible investors 適格投資者

3.1.1. A non-resident entity can invest in India, subjectto the FDI Policy except in those sectors/activities which are prohibited.However, a citizen of Bangladesh or an entity incorporated in Bangladesh caninvest only under the Government route. Further, a citizen of Pakistan or anentity incorporated in Pakistan can invest, only under the Government route, insectors/activities other than defence, space, atomic energy andsectors/activities prohibited for foreign investment. 


3.1.2 NRIs resident in Nepal and Bhutan as well ascitizens of Nepal and Bhutan are permitted to invest in the capital of Indiancompanies on repatriation basis, subject to the condition that the amount ofconsideration for such investment shall be paid only by way of inwardremittance in free foreign exchange through normal banking channels. 


3.1.3 OCBs have been derecognized as a class of investorsin India with effect from September 16, 2003. Erstwhile   OCBs which are incorporated outside Indiaand are not under the adverse notice of RBI can make fresh investments underFDI Policy as incorporated non-resident entities, with the prior approval ofGovernment of India if the investment is through Government route; and with theprior approval of RBI if the investment is through Automatic route.


3.1.4 A company, trust and partnership firm incorporatedoutside India and owned and controlled by NRIs can invest in India with thespecial dispensation as available to NRIs under the FDI Policy. 


3.1.5 (i) Foreign Institutional Investor (FII) andForeign Portfolio Investors (FPI) may in terms of Schedule 2 and 2A of FEMA(Transfer or Issue of Security by Persons Resident Outside India) Regulations,as the case may be, respectively, invest in the capital of an Indian companyunder the Portfolio Investment Scheme which limits the individual holding of anFII/FPI below 10% of the capital of the company and the aggregate limit forFII/FPI investment to 24% of the capital of the company. This aggregate limitof 24% can be increased to the sectoral cap/statutory ceiling, as applicable,by the Indian company concerned through a resolution by its Board of Directorsfollowed by a special resolution to that effect by its General Body and subjectto prior intimation to RBI. The aggregate FII/FPI investment, individually orin conjunction with other kinds of foreign investment, will not exceedsectoral/statutory cap. 


iiAn Indian company which has issued shares to FIIs/FPIsunder the FDI Policy for which the payment has been received directly intocompany’s account should report these figures separately under item no. 5 ofForm FC-GPR (Annexure-1)  


 iiiA daily statement in respect of alltransactions (except derivative trade) has to be submitted by the custodianbank in soft copy in the prescribed format directly to RBI and also uploadeddirectly on the OFRS web site (https://secweb.rbi.org.in/ORFSMainWeb/Login.jsp


3.1.6 Only registered FIIs/FPIs and NRIs as per Schedules2,2A and 3 respectively of Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue ofSecurity by a Person Resident Outside India) Regulations, 2000, caninvest/trade through a registered broker in the capital of Indian Companies onrecognised Indian Stock Exchanges.


3.1.7 A SEBI registered Foreign Venture Capital Investor(FVCI) may contribute up to 100% of the capital of an Indian company engaged inany activity mentioned in Schedule 6 of Notification No. FEMA 20/2000,including startups irrespective of the sector in which it is engaged, under theautomatic route. A SEBI registered FVCI can invest in a domestic venturecapital fund registered under the SEBI (Venture Capital Fund) Regulations, 1996or a Category- I Alternative Investment Fund registered under the SEBI (AlternativeInvestment Fund) Regulations, 2012.Such investments shall also be subject tothe extant FEMA regulations and extant FDI policy including sectoral caps, etc.The investment can be made in equities or equity linked instruments or debtinstruments issued by the company (including start-ups and if a startup isorganised as a partnership firm or an LLP, the investment can be made in thecapital or through any profit-sharing arrangement) or units issued by a VCF orby a Category-I AIF either through purchase by private arrangement either fromthe issuer of the security or from any other person holding the security or ona recognised stock exchange.It may also set up a domestic asset managementcompany to manage its investments. SEBI registered FVCIs are also allowed toinvest under the FDI Scheme, as non-resident entities, in other companies,subject to FDI Policy and FEMA regulations. 

印度證券交易委員會(SEBI)注冊的外國風險資本投資者(FVCI)可貢獻多達100%的印度公司的資本,不過必須從事FEMA 20/2000號通知的附表6中提到的活動,包括在自動路徑下的初創(chuàng)公司。SEBI注冊的FVCI可投資于根據(jù)1996SEBI(風險投資基金)條例注冊的國內(nèi)風險投資基金或根據(jù)SEBI(另外投資基金)條例注冊的一類另外投資基金。該類投資需要遵守現(xiàn)存的FEMA法規(guī)和現(xiàn)存的FDI政策,包括部門上限等。投資可以在公司發(fā)行的股本或股本相關的工具或債務工具中進行(包括初創(chuàng)企業(yè),如果一個初創(chuàng)公司是合伙企業(yè)或LLP,則可以對資本投資或通過任何利潤共享協(xié)議投資),或由VCF發(fā)行的單位或由類型一的AIF通過契約安排從證券發(fā)行人或任何持有證券的人或在被認可證券交易所購買的。其也可以設立一個國內(nèi)的資產(chǎn)管理公司來管理其資產(chǎn)。SEBI注冊的FVCIS也被允許在FDI計劃下作為非居民實體在其他公司投資,受外國直接投資政策和FEMA的規(guī)定。

3.1.8 A Non- Resident Indian may subscribe to NationalPension System governed and administered by Pension Fund Regulatory andDevelopment Authority (PFRDA), provided such subscriptions are made throughnormal banking channels and the person is eligible to invest as per theprovisions of the PFRDA Act. The annuity/ accumulated saving will berepatriable.
